Tuesday, January 11

The Happiness Project

Two magazines came to our house yesterday: Cosmopolitan and Good Housekeeping. I bet you can't guess which one I was more geeked to peruse!

Happiness and java, anyone?

Ok, I'll be honest, I looked at both of them while on the treadmill today, but it's a pretty strange day when you switch from articles entitled "Rock Your Man's World" to things like "The natural way to lower blood pressure."

The opening editor's letter discusses a New York Time's Bestseller book, "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin,about one woman's year-long journey to finding happiness in everyday activities.

Given my natural inclination towards all things happiness related, I assume that I will read her column regularly and plan on buying her book as well. For now, though happiness searchers can visit The Happiness Project Blog.

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