Sunday, April 17

Big News for America

Sunday is a great day for an announcement, no?

Well dears, I am moving back to Paris next month!


Ok, so it's not really a big secret because I have already spilled the beans to too many people, but I wanted to make an official announcement to the blog world!

But, wait? Where does this leave this America the Strange blog?

Well, that's the second (but equally exciting) part of the news.

For the past month I have been working hard on my new website-- one that really encompasses everything that I believe in and that will remain with me through big life changes (because that's what it's about after all). My website will include personal antidotes, but in a way that will benefit my readers better. I'm working towards taking my writing to the next level. I hope you will join me!

I will launch my new website on May 1st, and I will post the link here and on my facebook page.

I'm so very excited to share with you everything that I have been working on!

Have a wonderful Sunday :)


  1. Thanks for the comment on being different!!
    And you are moving back to Paris? So exciting! Can't wait to read more!!

    Happy Sunday =)

  2. Oooo, Paris! A thrilling place to live and explore, I'm sure!

    Stopping by from FTLOB and spreading comment love. :-)

  3. congrats. I am only 5 hours from paris. We are waiting on pauls passport still. Safe travels

  4. Oooo!! Can I come visit? :)

    Happy Sunday!

  5. Oh, Paris- lovely! That sounds great.

    Found your blog through the comment blog hop. Glad to have found you!

  6. So happy you are going back to where your heart truly is!

  7. Congrats, Court! I know how much you miss Paris! Now your Mom and I can commiserate on how much we miss you and Kels!

  8. Thank you everyone so much for the comments! PLEASE come visit. I'm very excited (especially to hang out with Kels!!!)

  9. Hey! I'm stopping by from the blog hop at FTLOB! Moving to Paris? What a lucky girl you are! My husband and I lived in northern Italy last year and Germany for part of this year. Haven't made it to France but certainly hope to! Can't wait to read more of your posts!

  10. Heya. Popped over from FTLOB so Happy Comment Love Sunday Day! Yeah.

    That's awesome about Paris. I've enjoyed reading the expat blogs of the people who live there.

    What arrondisement are you hoping to look for an apartment in?

  11. Yeah, I lived there for a year after college. I can't wait to go back!

    Mollie, fortunately, I already have my living space lined up. Its on Boulevard Saint Germain in the 5th. I'll make sure to write a post about that!

  12. oh my i am so jealous! that is amazing. have so much fun:)
    i would give anything to be able to move to paris.
    i just found your blog and LOVE it.
    newest follower:)


  13. yayyyyy. I can't wait to have you back :)

    We'll go picnic in fontainebleau forest
